Hunger is a crime against humanity!
People’s Tribunal on Hunger, Food Prices and Land
7th -9th May 2015
In the context of South Africa’s deepening food crisis, the South
African Food Sovereignty Campaign hosted a three-day People’s Tribunal on
hunger, food prices and land at Constitution Hill, Johannesburg. The Tribunal
received testimony from 21 grassroots voices (women and men small scale
farmers, cooperatives, mining affected communities, trade unions, waste
pickers, retrenched workers, the unemployed, students, youth), from different
parts of the country, and ten food and land experts including researchers,
academics and Non-Governmental Organizations
The Tribunal sought to confront the denialism, indifference and
disregard for the food crisis in South Africa. Through this platform we
confronted the brutal realities of hunger and affirmed the dignity, power and moral force of the hungry and landless in our
country. This we believe is a turning point for food politics and agrarian
transformation in South Africa: hunger challenges our humanity and therefore we are all the hungry, we are all the
landless until we resolve the food crisis!
‘Hunger’ in our society
is experienced differently and named differently. According to the hungry
bearing testimony it exists as:
‘genocide of the mind’;
‘the middle name of South
‘the thief of our dignity’;
‘an empty stomach’;
‘what the politicians refuse to
‘food crisis because of
neoliberal policies’;
‘a special smell and is cruel
in the household’.
Verdict on food
South Africa’s food system is highly concentrated and controlled by
powerful food corporations. For instance, 20% of commercial farms account for
over 80% of food produced and four big retailers sell 55% of our food.
Based on testimony, we declare food
corporations guilty of perpetuating
hunger, a crime against humanity, through:
Contributing to income inequality in South Africa: Income inequality is a cause of hunger for which food corporations
and capitalism in general is responsible. Many working class and poor
households spend up to 80% of their income on food, and food prices are
increasing. On average male farm workers earn R667 per month and females R458 per month. The median wage
rate in South Africa is R3033, well below the ILO’s minimum living wage of
R4500. Half of NUMSA workers earn less than or R4850 per month. Poverty wages
mean no food choice and a struggle to survive as living costs increase, such as
electricity and transport.
Treating food as a commodity: Commodified
food is inaccessible and unaffordable for the millions of unemployed in South
Africa. Healthy food is completely out of reach if it has to be bought from
food corporations. Moreover, retrenchments and job losses have constrained
household incomes making it impossible to buy food, and hence hunger stalks
many families.
Profiteering from food: Staple food
prices such as wheat and maize have been pushed up by corporations. In retail,
market power is used by four corporations to keep prices high. In general staple
food prices increased by 50% between 2013 and 2014. A basic food plate increased
by 12.4% between 2013 and 2014. On average there has been a 6.5 % increase in
food prices annually.
Price fixing: Bread is a staple for most
South Africans. SASKO bread made R825 million profit in 2013 alone. Price
fixing is rife to make more profit from staples. Price fixes, such as the big
four bread producers, were caught in 2007/2008, but they have been doing this
for years. Bread prices have not come down despite oil prices coming down.
Using waste to make profits: One-third of food is wasted across the food
value chain. This amounts to 9 million tons. In addition, 30% of agricultural
produce goes to waste. Instead of feeding human beings corporations condemn
them by dumping ‘wasted’ food. This ensures profit rates are managed as supply
is controlled through ‘waste’.
Using crisis to make profits: A globalised
food system, under corporate control, will be susceptible to shocks from
climate change, biofuels production, speculation and oil prices. Corporations
have and will use such shocks to increase prices making food expensive and
increasing hunger.
Passing on suffering to women: More
women go hungry than men in South Africa. Women are carrying the burden of
feeding their families such that they are skipping meals, eating expired food,
borrowing from loan sharks and sacrificing their food portion to feed the
family in poor households. Women and workers earning poverty wages eat
unhealthy food because there is no choice and this imposes sickness. All of this
brings intense desperation, trauma and health problems into hungry families.
Stealing the future of our children: There
is a high prevalence of stunted growth and malnutrition amongst children in
poor households (nearly 1 in every 3 young children under the age of five is
physically and mentally stunted and underweight). Children are not given
nutritious food and cannot learn in schools. Children steal food out of
desperation, sometimes ending up in jail; they stop schooling and skip critical
medication due to a lack of food. The corporate-controlled food system is
stealing their future.
Controlling seeds and farming resources:
Seeds and genetic resources are now commodities for profit making. This makes the price of seeds and farming
inputs very expensive for small scale farmers, communities and households.
Using the media: Billions of Rands are
spent on marketing fast food and industrial food diets. The media is hired by
food corporations to ensure these foods are mainstreamed. At the same time, fast
food is killing our food cultures, increasing obesity and destroying genuine
social relationships.
Expanding into our communities: Retail
chains and shopping malls are expanding into our communities to promote
unhealthy and expensive food. These businesses extract wealth from communities
such that local resources are not circulating for development, employment
creation and community building.
Commodifying food at universities: Many
students at universities are hungry, which constrains their ability to study
and improve academic performance. Dining halls throw away food and students do
not receive their loan funding on time, which contributes to hunger.
We demand from
An end to fat cat salaries of
food corporation managers and a living wage for all workers in the food system.
An end to profiteering from food, including
price fixing of staples.
A halt to the invasion and conquest by
‘supermarkets’ of our communities.
We demand universities put in
place feeding schemes for poor students.
End profiteering from seeds and
farming inputs required by small scale farmers.
Greater responsibility from the
commercial media for their role in promoting unhealthy fast food and industrial
food diets.
Verdict on the State
Based on testimony we declare the state responsible and complicit in perpetuating hunger, a crime
against humanity, through the following actions:
Neoliberal economic policies: The
economic policies of the ANC state have increased inequality between the rich
and poor, which has expressed itself in race, gender and class terms. Together
with the lack of basic services like water, health, housing and electricity,
the struggle for food is a serious survival challenge for many.
Undermining water resources: Water is essential
for food production yet the state is compromising our water resources through
promoting mining, mismanaging water resources and only ensuring a rich
minority benefit from water.
Promoting and supporting mining: Mining is
leading to dispossession, another version of the 1913 experience. Mining
companies are grabbing fertile land and water resources such that communities lose
land for livestock grazing and cultivation. Mining is also poisoning land,
water and polluting the air around communities. Some of the most fertile land
in the country, in Mpumalanga, is threatened by mining. Government policies and
corruption is feeding into this new dispossession.
Lacking a commitment to adapt and mitigate our food system to
climate change and shocks: Despite the state
developing long-term mitigation scenarios it is not doing enough to deal with
the future impacts of serious droughts expected in the south and west, as well
as extreme rainfall in the east. It is allowing industrial agriculture to
continue deepening ecological crises including climate change.
Promoting export-led agriculture: Allowing
export of food while 14 million South Africans go to be bed hungry and while
food locally is not affordable. At the same time, the poor have to contend with
monotonous and unhealthy diets, while grants are not substantial enough to deal
with increasing living costs including higher food prices.
Failing land and food policies: Only 7%
of land has been transferred under the land reform program since 1994. The
support for small scale farmers is inadequate while support programs impose GMO
seeds and chemical fertilisers. The state is ignorant about the value and
importance of agro-ecology for small scale farmers and it does not give farmers
a choice to advance agro-ecology. In addition, corruption is widespread in land
reform and fishing programs. Fishers in this country are not recognized and
their interests are ignored. Food garden programs are also inadequately
resourced, including community works programs such that there is insufficient
support for cooperatives grown out of these programs. There is no sustainable
support in communities for hungry households and children (1 in 10 children are
hungry in some communities), while nobody is being held responsible for fetal
alcohol syndrome. There is also no common nutrition standard. Instead the state
has fragmented, piecemeal and ineffective food policies currently numbering 17
policies, despite the fact that 46% of the population is food insecure.
Promoting Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) seeds and crops: GMO seeds and the deadly chemicals they require are
expensive. Only the rich can choose not
to eat GMO maize. Almost all maize crops are GMO in South Africa. GMO maize
which is a staple makes us the only country in the world that is eating these
crops without informing consumers and citizens. This takes away food choice and
is a serious threat to the health of the people and this will increase health
costs. At the same time, there is no recognition of cheaper and safer
alternatives from grassroots communities such as agro-ecological seedbanks and
no attempt to listen to the hungry.
Failing top down farming and cooperative development: Over 100 000 cooperatives exist in South Africa but with an extremely
high failure rate despite the over one billion rand that has been spent over
the past few years. Many farming cooperatives are not receiving adequate
cooperative education, farming training and finance. Local governments are
corrupt and unresponsive to the needs of small scale farmers, cooperatives and
household food producers.
We demand from the state:
Support for water harvesting,
quality access to services (water infrastructure and supply) and water use
rights for food production;
Provision of support for local
community markets and production based on food sovereignty.
An end to state imposed
chemical and GMO seeds on small scale farmers.
A Food Sovereignty Act to
ensure we affirm the right to food, diversify the food system, promote
agro-ecology and the solidarity economy.
Jail sentences for food
corporation executives that collude on price fixing and we want ‘food
profiteering’ to be declared a crime under South African law.
A national nutrition standard
and investigation into the nutrition content of food. In schools we demand a
higher protein content in school feeding schemes to end stunting.
Food waste in the corporate
controlled food system be monitored and exposed.
An end to the alliance with
capital including ending land dispossession through mining, GMO promotion,
unsustainable export agriculture, fracking and the ocean grab.
Land must be given immediately
to the people for agroecological production.
Food aid has to be introduced
for children and poor households linked to promoting food sovereignty in
communities and households.
Full disclosure on the science
of GMOs and an immediate ban based on the precautionary principle.
Recognition of waste pickers
and the role they play in limiting the waste of resources in our society.
Support and respect for street
A commitment from government to
address the needs and interests of fishers and to restrict the monopoly power
of corporations in the fishing industry.
An end to corruption in land
reform and greater responsiveness from the state to the needs of small scale
farmers for extension support, for organic seeds and inputs, agroecological
training for farmers and cooperatives and financial support.
As the South African Food
Sovereignty Campaign we declare on the way forward:
We will continue the hunger tribunal process as a mobilizing tool of
the hungry and landless. It will serve as a platform for raising popular
awareness and educating citizens about the food crisis and food sovereignty
We will affirm our own voice and power as we struggle against those
responsible to be accountable.
We will consider boycotts of retailers who profit from essential
foods, GMO products and media, including newspapers like Sunday Times, who are indifferent to the cause of the hungry and
We will continue to advance food sovereignty as an alternative to
the corporate-centered notion of food security and as a means to diversify the
South African food system.
We will struggle against trade and industrial policies that perpetuate
the globalised food regime.
We will continue to deepen and build alliances to advance the South
African Food Sovereignty Campaign including linking informal traders with small
scale farmers and cooperatives as part of the solidarity economy. At the same
time, we will consciously organize and mobilise youth and women; while raising
awareness amongst children about these issues.
We will champion a deep just transition, in the context of climate
change and increasing energy costs, to ensure we shift the energy system
towards renewable energy. In this regard, we
support the United Front Civil Society Conference on the electricity
We will encourage local and nutritious food production from local
food sources to feed families and communities. At the same time, we will
support local food cultures that are more appropriate and nutritious. All of
this part of our effort to end dependence and control by the corporate
controlled food system.
We will struggle to ensure land reform for food production and
consumption such that we advance the rights of women, food sovereignty and the
solidarity economy. In this struggle we will affirm agro-ecology as a science,
which draws on farmer knowledge and traditional food production practices.
We will assist small scale farmers with agroecological training, to
build seed banks, develop organic compost, sustainable water management systems
and establish member-driven worker cooperatives for farming, bakeries, consumer
stores, people’s restaurants and local community markets.
We will celebrate and learn from self-sustaining communities and the
successes of small scale farmers, local farming networks, cooperatives and
community markets as examples of alternatives to commercial industrial
agriculture and corporate controlled retail. We will celebrate the
transparency, ethics and commitment to community need of these alternatives.
We will claim our right to food contained in the Constitution and
other international human rights instruments.
We will continue to ensure popular education around the food crisis
and struggle for food sovereignty alternatives as part of our communities.
We will create our own media to advance mother tongue, people’s
culture, share experiences of hunger and raise awareness about food sovereignty
alternatives including traditions of bartering and solidarity markets.
We will struggle for a transformative and just transition to a
democratic eco-socialist society. The struggle for food sovereignty will be a
key wedge to move us in this direction as we build people’s power from below.
In the light of the above we call on religious organisations, civic
organisations, trade unions, youth, student, children and other progressive
sections of society to join the South African Food Sovereignty Campaign.
Food Sovereignty is a Right!
No to Hunger!
Yes to Dignity!